Booting Problems In Windows Xp

A lot of computer users are generally facing the booting problems in Windows XP. It is mainly caused by corrupted Windows XP operating system. In this case, computer hardware appears to power up okay but the Windows XP operating system would not boot properly. There are some basic troubleshooting steps in order to get rid of booting problems in Windows. We are providing the following troubleshooting steps in case Windows XP would not boot:

A. Use a Windows Startup Disk

We need to create a Windows startup disk for this method. We can create a Windows startup disk by the following steps:

1. Double click on the "My Computer" icon on your Desktop.
2. Click on the 3½ Floppy (A:) icon just enough until it becomes highlighted.
3. Click on the word File, which is contained in your top tool bar area.
4. This will pull down a menu for you to now click on the word Format.
5. Place a check mark in the box next to Create an MS-DOS startup disk at the bottom of the screen.
6. Then click the "Start" button to begin creating your Startup Disk.
7. Windows will display a warning that Formatting erase all data or your disk. Click on "OK" tab to continue.
8. Windows will then display a progress indicator bar denoting the status of your System Disk.
9. When the status bar reaches 100% your System Startup Disk will be complete.
10. Close the format complete window by clicking on OK at the bottom of the screen.
11. Click on the "Close" button to close the Format 3½ Floppy (A:) window.
12. You should store your Startup Disk in a safe location.

You should insert Windows startup disk into the floppy drive on the afflicted system and press [Ctrl][Alt][Delete] to reboot the computer. When you boot from the Windows startup disk, the computer will bypass the active partition and boot files on the hard disk and attempt to start Windows XP normally.

B. Use Last Known Good Configuration:

This feature will allow you to undo any changes that caused problems in the CurrentControlSet registry key, which defines hardware and driver settings. The Last Known Good Configuration feature replaces the contents of the CurrentControlSet registry key with a backup copy that was last used to successfully start up the operating system.

C. Use System Restore:

System Restore is a kind of system recovery tool to return your computer to a previous state when computer was functioning properly. System Restore takes "snapshots" of critical system files and some program files and registry settings and stores all these information as restore points. System Restore allows the rolling back of system files, registry keys and installed programs etc. to a previous state in case of failure or malfunctioning of computer.

D. Use Recovery Console:

Recovery Console can be accessed from the original Windows installation CD. It is particularly useful for repairing or replacing important operating system files. When these files aren't working like they should, Windows will sometimes not startup at all. In these cases, you must start the Recovery Console to restore the files.

E. Fix Corrupt Boot.INI:

We can fix corrupted Boot.ini using "bootcfg /rboot" command. We should enter the "Load Indentifier" and enter something random as this is just a label. If 'bootcfg' asks for 'OS Load Options', enter '/fastdetect'. Windows needs to check your hardware and then it will rebuild the corrupt boot.ini file according to the hardware data collected.

By all the above discussion, we can conclude that booting problems can be fixed by performing some useful troubleshooting steps.

Source: By: Ashlee Adward

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