Using Anonymous Proxies To Bypass Firewall

In this article you will find out and will learn about using anonymous proxies and to give you an information regarding proxy to bypass some internet firewalls.

Free proxy website is becoming more popular than the past even and elementary student know what free proxy website is. What do you think the reason for that? In my opinion this is one way of considering the internet success and popularity for the reason that everyone needs and uses internet for browsing websites.

Free web anonymous proxies became more use in schools and offices because almost all website that can cause the students and the employees to destruct their duties. So that the network administrator in their IT block those websites to prevent them but do you think they were successful? If I were going to ask my answer is NO, as we can see they also blocked some sites that have not been blocked and if they blocked those bad sites the students and employees come to this free anonymous web proxy just to satisfy their side.

In order for both parties to get what they wanted just implement the right rules and for ourselves we need to keep the discipline whether you are student or an employee because you will be the one who will benefit it in the long run.

All things here in earth are good when we use it in a nice way and it became only a bad thing when we use it in bad doings like for example the proxies if we use it just to protect our privacy or to browse some good sites therefore we are using it in a good way but if we use it to browse some restricted adult sites or any bad sites that’s the time we are using it for a bad thing.

If you are one of the administrators you must not prohibit some websites and some employees from getting in to some social networking sites like myspace, multiply, youtube, Friendster, facebook, twitter and others. For the reason that those sites are not bad sites but instead of blocking them from accessing those sites you must put up a rule that no one can access those pages in office and school hours and they can only access those web pages from their free time like recess and lunch break.

Source: By: K8

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