Every once a while we find ourselves buying stuff in bulk, because it's cheaper - we think. The same thing applies to blank DVD - you get tons of them because they will always come in hand - for some photos, movies, backup data etc. But when time passes by and we get flash drives, auto-backup hard disks, send more and more data over the internet, it turns out that our stack of DVDs is covered with dusk. If you're in this situation, I have a few ideas how can you put them in good use!
Additional backup - yes, you do have your own external drive. But remember, that while being in constant hard disks can get their partition table damaged and by accident you can lose all of your data. If you use DVDs and burn one backup copy on each disk there is a smaller risk of damaging the device.
DIY projects - ok, this might be wasting money, but at least you can bring your creativity and manual skills on a higher level! Turn your DVD stack into weights, a lamp, an airplane, an usb-powered fan. There are tons of ideas available on Instructables or Youtube, there is a whole bunch of ideas to pick from!
Open-source handouts - if you are a open-source enthusiast and you know people who didn't have the luck to get in touch with it yet, it might be a tremendous idea to share your passion and give your friends DVD packed with free software that might change their thinking. It's worth giving a shot!
Source : goarticles by Michal Kanon

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