Widescreen computer monitors are not like the old style of monitors. The old style size used an aspect ratio of 4:3 where the new widescreen computer monitors utilize the 16:9 ratio which is more commonly used today with the switch to HDTV. What this means is that there are more pixels on the monitor and your monitor will naturally hold more things on it as far as desktop icons etc.
The switch to HDTV and digital broadcasting this summer has all but killed the old 4:3 square TV and computer monitor. If you don't believe me, just go to youtube and watch a video. The video will be in an automatic widescreen format. The biggest benefit to having a widescreen computer desktop monitor is that videos, pictures, and web content will look better, clearer, and won't look squeezed as your monitor will be more compatible with the new aspect ratio everything is in.
Just like TV's moving to the widescreen only, computer monitors are also following the same trend. Movies have always been in widescreen because they can show more in the ratio than a square and so it is with computer information and graphics. Another big push for monitors to change size is the world of video games. Video games are now all in 16:9 format and in high definition. In order to get the same experience on your computer games, you must have a 16:9 widescreen computer monitor to correctly show the graphics.
Source : Go Articles by Greg Tispin

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