How To Fix A Rundll Error

The rundll error is a commonly-seen error, especially during the Windows startup and shutdown processes. It's not just an annoying problem that appears on the screen; rather, it can affect the whole stability of the machine.

Rundll is very important because it loads libraries, which are a collection of functions that programs need, into Windows. When rundll malfunctions, it means that Windows and other programs cannot properly load required library functions and use them. At best, this may result in quirky behaviour in Windows and applications, at worst, it can result in a computer crash and loss of user data. Imagine this happening when you're typing an email or doing work on your computer.

It also often happens that viruses target rundll because of its importance. Because of Windows' heavy dependence on it, by infecting it, a virus can spread itself widely throughout the entire computer and hide its tracks. It is therefore very important that you use an online virus scanner, or an updated installed anti-virus to scan your computer and remove the virus.

Generally, be it due to a virus or other problems, the fix for a rundll error is simple. The Windows registry needs to be fixed in order to resolve this issue. The rundll error indicates that the registry has errors, and if the registry errors, more problems may occur.

Registry cleaner software can be used to scan the entire registry for problems and fix them. This has the side-effect of also optimizing the registry, resulting in an improvement in performance. The hard part is to find a good registry cleaner, because there are simply too many cleaners available out there. It is important to test which one is comprehensive and safe to use.

Source: articledashboard By: JasonD Webber

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